
EY Training Provider Program is here!

Last April, we announced Engine Yard University, and the first revision of our Zero to Rails 3 class. One year later, we are taking our game to the next level with the launch of our EY Training Provider (EYTP) Program. Through this initiative, school teachers, instructors, developers, managers, and entrepreneurs can work together to improve their curriculum, and lead classes with meaningful and direct support from Engine Yard. Standing beside us on launch day are some of the most well known names in Ruby and Rails training. These include:
  • Blazing Cloud: Sarah Allen's Ruby consulting and training company here in San Francisco
  • Chariot Solutions: a leading Java Open & SOA organization embracing JRuby, Ruby and Rails
  • Envy Labs / Code School: the guys behind Rails for Zombies
  • Thoughtbot: our partners in Boston, famous for hiring the best and brightest, and makers of Hoptoad
For students interested in learning Rails, we offer Zero to Rails 3, and other introductory classes available through the EYTP program in different regions, as well as virtually. For existing Rubyists, we are excited to begin teaching a new course, based on the Rails AntiPatterns book by Chad Pytel and Tammer Saleh. The Rails AntiPatterns course will be offered on May 30, in Boston, and again on June 13, in San Francisco. Finally, all of our Training Providers will be able to deliver an expanded version of the Rails for Zombies curriculum, which combines the popular online curriculum, with a more personal, instructor led approach. Check out our new Engine Yard University page for class listings. Through the EYTP program, Engine Yard University will build upon Engine Yard's longstanding commitment to Open Source by creating a friendly, collaborative, and collegial network of teachers and learners. Some of the investments made so far include the development of learning tools that provide students with a full Ruby on Rails stack on the cloud, along with a browser based editor, console, and embedded curriculum. We are also planning to invite our Training Providers, other interested Rubyists, teachers, and curriculum developers, to a regional summit to discuss ways we can improve the overall quality of our work. Borrowing a page from public and private education, this summit will focus on developing a standards based curriculum for both Ruby and Rails. We will hold this meeting in early summer, at a yet to be identified location, as well as virtually. If you are an school teacher, instructor, or work for an organization interested in becoming a Training Partner, please�get in touch.

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